Saturday, February 20, 2010

Hey Lucy, 21 Times Over

It's another one of my girlfriend's friend's 21st birthdays and that means I'm writing a poem that you all can skip unless you know her. Hey Lucy, Happy Birthday and enjoy. It's a testament to my strength as a boyfriend that I'm still around to write this for you.

Hey, look at Lucy! Now she's 21!
A pretty good reason to get drunk and have fun
And the best part, besides the drinking of course,
Is that maybe a white knight will ride in on a horse.

Hey, I'm sorry, not much rhymes with course
Except negative words like divorce and remorse.
But, with you, I can't just you use the same words
Like pretty and gorgeous, they're too true to be heard!

Likely, amnesia will rule your night
and everyone, to you, will be oh-so-polite.
I think there's a few things I need to reveal
So open the next stanza and tear off its seal!

Irish, red-hair, and, no doubt, the best dressed
How could a girl possibly be more blessed?
So toast that Jameson, slainte, L'chiam!
Noone else will keep up--and if they try? Fry 'em!

It's quite possible that you might get sick
Puke a little or make out with that guy that's a dick.
Mistakes will be made, regrets will be had
But mistakes don't count til you're post-grad.

Drink up, Lucy, 21 years is a cause for celebration
Cheer, be merry, and give in to temptation.
But don't forget my most important point:
to forget what I've said by the end of the night!

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