Monday, April 30, 2007

The Seven Deadly Sinners

Well now that I'm done with school for the semester I can blog for a little before I hop on a jet to Athens. Today I'm going to talk about the 7 Deadly Sins and the greatest offenders, that we know of, throughout history of these "deadly" sins. Tommorow I'll do the exact opposite and explore the virtues and things related to those 7 wonderful things. Maybe I'll do it tonight, who knows.
I'm gonna name the sins in Latin because it sounds better than English. If you can't figure it out, Potes meos suaviari clunes

Sin #1: Luxuria ("Lust")
Offender: Marquis de Sade (June 2, 1740 – December 2, 1814)
A bisexual philosopher who wrote about pornography and engaged in it quite frequently. While most settle down after getting married, de Sade did the exact opposite. He let go of all his inhibitions, abused young prostitutes, and cheated on his wife with his sister. After engaging in sodomy with some dude and poisining prostitutes in a "date rape" type of way, he was sentenced to death. Now I'm not going to give you his biography here but he was arrested at least 6 more times, and every time escaped and hired servants who complained of sexual abuse. He was declared insane by the state and lived out his days in prison where he had an affair with a 13 year old boy until his death at age 74, a modest 61 year age difference.

Sin #2: Gula ("Gluttony")
Offender: Carol Yager (1960-1994)
Ms. Yager has the distinction of being the fattest person to live, weighing at a modest 1,600 lbs. Apparently she had some time of eating disorder (you think?). She was 5-feet WIDE and claimed her disorder was due to sexual abuse as a child. I really don't know what else to say, this is disgusting, let's move on.

Sin #3: Avaritia ("Greed")
Offender: Adolf Hitler (April 20, 1889 – April 30, 1945)
ALthough he is most known for his evilness, Hitler was one greedy little man. He wanted everything for Germany and himself and if he hadn't invaded the USSR, one of the biggest military blunders ever, the world would be alot different. He used whatever he wanted to acheive his goals. Everything he did, every agreement he made came with his own hidden agenda. He never wanted what was best for Germany, he wanted what was best for himself.

Sin #4: Acedia ("Sloth")
Offender: Sylvia Plath (October 27, 1932 – February 11, 1963)
This is tough since the definition of sloth is vague but I'm going to say it deals with depression but it can be interpreted in many ways. Since most poets are depressed, I picked one. Sylvia Plath suffered from an increasing depression throughout her life and her most known work, The Bell Jar is a semi-autobiographical work on her depressive state. She suffered from an intense insomnia and was subjected to electroshock therapy. Her suicide came at a very young age and was conducted by leaving milk and cookies out for her kids, then locking the doors to her kitchen and sticking her head in an oven.

Sin #5: Ira ("Wrath")
Offender: Josef Stalin (December 18,1878 – March 5, 1953)
Stalin hated everyone and was very paranoid. Jews, Gypsies, Catholics, Russians, Baltics, Muslims, Tatars, Cossacks, Germans, Polacs, and anyone and everyone were deported to the Siberian work camps, gulags, or killed or totured. I don't know what else to say, this guy is responsible for more death, destruction, and persecution than anyone in history. His hatred for everyone who opposed him or posed a theat, as well as his paranoia earns him a spot on my list.

Sin #6: Invidia ("Envy")
Offender: Chicago Cubs fans (1908-current)
Who was the most envious man in history? Oh, the Cubs envy every other team that has won a world series since 1908. If they don't win this year, the streak will go to 100. The goat, Bartman, Leon Durham pulling a Buckner, the Black Cat in '69 all bring about horrible memories. Cubs fans, although loyal, are envious of all baseball fans who's team has won a world series and all those who never got into the Cubs, because they don't have to suffer. We may not admit it, but we are more jealous of any Yankees fan than Bill Gates. Now THAT's envy. (plus this one was really hard to find in history so I decided this would be a good example)

Sin #7: Superbia ("Pride")
Offender: Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, aka Caligula (August 31, 12 – January 24, 41)
Nobody was prouder than crazy old Caligula. He erected temples in his honor, proclaiming himself a god in Rome. He abused vebally and physically everyone and anyone. He wasted a lot of Rome's money on vain and unnecessary expenditures such as the Lake Nemi ships (look it up) and ridiculous building projects in his honor. He also was a sexual deviant and often took Senators wives away from them during parties to have sex with them and then describe the sexual encounter to her husband right after. He had orgies in the royal palace, with men and women (he was bi-sexual), as well as holding executions while eating (uhhhhhhhhhhh....). Oh yeah, and he appointed his horse as a senator. Crazy, horny, and very, very proud of himself indeed.

Well, there you have it. Some very bad people. However, look at yourself in the mirror and you'll see that you have at one time or another broken these sins, although not to the degree of the above. Every man thinks lustfull thoughts, everyone looks in the mirror, we want what we can't have, we get angry, we binge drink, and sometimes we just don't care. Our own deviance is what drives us to get better or to get worse, it's your choice.
I saw this and thought it was interesting to look at, although it has little to do with the concept of my post.

Sin Punishment in Hell Animal Color

Pride broken on the wheel Horse Violet
Envy put in freezing water Dog Green
Anger dismembered alive Bear Red
Sloth thrown in snake pits Goat Light Blue
Greed put in boiling oil Frog Yellow
Glutton forced to eat rats Pig Orange
Lust smothered in fire Cow Blue

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Is Sanjaya the George W. Bush of American Idol? (worst presidents ever)

Well, maybe, he did get more votes than him. Now, I'm no American Idol fan. In fact, I think it's single-handedly destroying America. But let's not get into that. With Bush in power, it makes you wonder who could possibly be a worse president. Well, believe it or not, there have been and I'll tell you the worst 5.

5. Sanjaya Malak..


5. George W. Bush (2000-present), Republican
Now, I didnt say he was off the list. You don't need to be an educated person to see that he just isn't good. With the Iraq mess, which may last until the end of time, his appointment of buffoons such as Alberto Gonzalez, Donald Rumsfeld, and Karl Rove, it's clear he his agenda is not of the consesus among the American people, or the government. He has had the highest approval rating ever (88%) for a president and only got re-elected because, like Rudy Guiliani, he was there on 9/11. At least he's easy to laugh at.

4. Andrew Johnson (1865-1869), Republican/none
Well, besides the fact that he was a racist, he did little to maintain the policies of Abraham Lincoln regarding reconstruction after the Civil War. He vetoed almost all civil rights bills during his administration. He granted amnesty to all Confederates (on Christmas Day, no less) and gave in to many of the Confederate demands to simply keep them in the union. His own party impeached him, twice, and he was only one vote shy of becoming the only president to me impeached (well, Nixon would have). He was so bad, that during the later years of his president he was part of no party, as no party had the desire to include him.

3. James Buchanan (1857-1861), Democrat
Some say he ruined his party, but that's not what earns him a spot on the list. He failed to avoid the infamous Civil War (which the South still thinks they won) and also allowed the Dred Scott decision, which stated that no Afr.-Americans could ever be a citizen. When the South tried to break away from the Union, he really didn't do anything but let it happen. Plus, he was depressed during most of his presidency and it clearly affected his leadership. Guess Prozac was invented too late.

2. Warren Harding (1921-1923), Republican
Besides dying his office, Harding had many problems. And I quote the man: "I am not fit for this office and never should have been here". well, he was probably right. He isolated America with his isolationism policy and opposed the League of Nations and becoming allies with any nation. He cheated his wife, used government funds for himself, was involved in a large oil controversey, and presided over the counter-culture decade known as the "Roaring 20's", but I'm not so sure how bad that was. 4 of his cabinet members were sentenced to jail time, and another committed suicide. I could go on, but I think Harding gets a bad rap just because he appointed the wrong people and died during his term. Give him a break scholars, he was no.....

1. Franklin Pierce (1853-1857), Democrat
Pierce was a Northern who sympathized with the South. He wasn't really a politician before he became president, he was just so popular among everyone that he won. He passed the Kansas/Nebraska Act, which basically repealed the Missouri Compromise and allowed states to chose between slavery or not. He also tried to allow slavery in the West before being denied. The Ostend Manifesto, which was a document hoping to acquire Cuba from Spain, was criticized as an attempt to expand slavery. At the end he was abandoned by his party. Oh yeah, and he was a bona fide alcoholic throughout his life, including during his time in office. Perhaps he should layed off the Beam.

Well, now that you know who the worst presidents are, you can look cool at parties. Anyways, this list could change over time, with Bush becoming the all-time goat. However, the only thing you can do now until January 2009, when the next president takes over, is sit back and laugh at how ridiculous some of the stuff he says and does is. Stay tuned while I compose my list of ranking the American Idol winners, followed by me shooting myself in the head. If Sanjaya would have won, America would have been completely destroyed, so at least we have that going for us.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Los Dictadores y Asesina (Dictators and Murder)

Hey there, I always do my best work when I've had a few, for some reason or another. And by reputation, many have wished me "happy holidays" regarding the date (4/20). It gave me an idea, and I love writing posts about history, and dictators (it's Hitlers birthday) seem to fit into that category. So the 5 worst dictators of all the modern era (hey, in all of history, i could do my master's thesis on that) are.......

5. Pol Pot
The infamous P.M. of Cambodia in the late 70s sure made his mark in the history books, although you may never heard of him because the U.S. education system revolves around the U.S. and Europe. He attempted to "purify" his people by moving them around alot to give them a chance at a wonderful communist future. OH but wait, in order to do this, he also held mass executions that resulted in 1-2 million deaths (isn't it funny how historians can't agree on a figure in between that number?) of his own people. After Vietnam invaded, he fled and was dead. Perhaps the only good thing Vietnam ever did, at least the Southern part.

4. Mao Zedong
Mao is such an interesting figure, and one of the most important, in the history of the world. It's unclear whether or not he should be responisble for 1 million or 50 million Chinese deaths is controversial, but many seem to agree that 50 million of his people died as a result of his policies. Mao defines communism. He had such a cult of influence that he was almost regarded as a God in China. Hey, the "real" God 's name has been used to justifty alot more deaths than him, but he is still burning in the 7th circle of hell with.....

3. Saddam Hussein
It's a sad world when he is the 3rd worst dictator of the past 100 years. he used chemical weapons against the Kurds and Shia's in the 90's, resulting in millions of deaths in his rule. His evilness may have been exaggerated in the West, but nonetheless, he was still an evil bastard. He executed political oppoisin, scared the Iraqi people to death, and now we are. It's now how many, it's how he did it. Just a greedy bastard.

2. Adolf Hitler
Now, this was tough. Hitler was a ruthless, ,crazy, and anti-semitic bastard. Who knows how many deaths he indirectly caused, because he basically started WW2. You all know the story. Crazy man takes over Germany, gets them to kill Jews, gets them to fight for him, gets defeated after a whirlwind of destruction. His name is synonoumus with evil.

1. Josef Stalin
Stalin wasn't racist, he hated everyone. During the Soviet era, he deported Jews, Muslims, Polacs, Asians, Christians, and Russians. Oh, and everyone else that opposed him. His reign was one filled with a personality cult and a wave of mass paranoia. He must have resulted in over 70 million deaths. If Hitler didn't invade the USSR, just imagine how different WWII would have turned out. Hitler and Stalin as allies? Pshh, Europe would be called Soviet Germany today.

Whew, good night. I'm trying to get these posts in as the semester is winding down and I have less time, and I'll be on a hiatus for most of May, as I will be in Greece. And summer will definitey have less posts. But still, check as as you can, as the quanity will be less but the quality will surely not be

Thursday, April 19, 2007

War Games

We've all got the bombs, who's the first to use them. So you have USA, UK, Pakistan, China, Russia, France, India, and possibly Israel, Iran, and North Korea (who all claim they have such weapons)

Well, right off the bat you can see Iran and Israel and say BAM, World War 3. North Korea and U.S.A, BAM! India and Pakistan BAM! Iran and USA BAM! France and Noone! Russia and USA BAM! Russia and China BAM! WHO"S GOING FIRST, well let's see

Scenario 1: Iran attacks Israel
So Iran has always preached that Israel must be destroyed, and they dont even recognize it as a country. Ok, so Iran bombs Israel. Israel obviously would retaliate in a MAD (Mutually Asured Destruction) type style. Since the USA has a major boner for keeping Israel as a state, the USA would get involved and attack Iran by sending troops in. Iran works with North Korea then to nuke Hawaii. U.S.A. then, in like form, bombs (not nuke) North Korea, leaving the country in ruins and all will flee the country. Since China and N. Korea are allies, China would attack US troops in Iran and N.Korea. Since the UK are our allies, they would send help troops and France would be like "Oi Wi Wi We cannot send ahhh no troops, this is bad idea for world, we don't help unjust war, only ask for help when we in trouble" Fuck you France. the war would eventually make it's way past Iran's border over to Pakistan who is itching to bomb India, blame it on India, and nuke them, India nuke's back.

Outcome of Scenario 1: North Korea is a shithole with an economy that will not return for 100s of years. Iran will become the most unstable nation in the world, and likely send nukes all over the place. China will declare war on the U.S. and G.B, as well as Pakistan and India. Pakistan will be so destroyed that China will take it. India will experience years of nuclear fallout and wars with China. The U.S. will suffer heavy casualities in the war fighting in Iran, Israel, North Korea. Russia will somehow get involved and help out the North Korean forces.

Who wins: China takes over India and Pakistan. Israel is turned into Palestine. Iran and Iraq will be third party protectoretes governered by other nations. The U.K. will abandon it's support for U.S. military and lose a ton of soldiers fighting. North Korea will become part of China as well. China will then just take south Korea too. So China wins.

Sceanario 2: Iran bombs USA
OOOOOO GOD, pray to jesus this doesnt happen. USA would immediately nuke the shit out of Iran, leaeving it uninhabitable for the next 9203 years. Iran will also just nuke Israel, thinking "it might as well at this point". Israel is destroyed and uninhabitable. most will flee to Iraq and start mobilizing against the west. Resistance troops will keep the USA army there for years and years. This will result in major UN sanctions against the U.S. and we will lose many allies throughout the world.

Sceanario 3: India bombs Pakistan
Well, here's where religion plays in. Pakistan is going to bomb right back. China will get involved as it has always wanted some of Pakistan's land. China will help the fight against India to gain the support of the Pakistani's. Iran will help Pakistan, leaving India in ruins. Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Lebanon groups in Israel, Iraq, and other Muslim groups will also get involved against India. Then, China would face major upheavel against resistance groups and it would turn in to all out chaos
Winner: China gains the resource rich area of Tashkent in Pakistan. India will become a part of Pakistan and set it up as an Islamic state. Basically: everyone else is F-U-C-K-E-D

Ok, I know this is a weak post but take what you can get. I promise better next time when I'm more coherent and such. Ta Ta

Monday, April 16, 2007

The Pope is a Murderer

WOW RIGHT? Well, in today's blog I'm going to explain how Christianity, Islam, and Judiasm and how much death they have caused throughout history. I'm going to do this in a "matchup style" format, so we can see what religious followings are going to hell. Uh-oh, better hope it's not you. I will break it down between advocating violence, murders throughout history, and that religions following of their beliefs
Scale 1-10, 1 being very holy, 10 being satanic

Islam Vs. Christianity Vs. Judiasm
Advocate Violence?
Islam "technically" doesn't advocate the use of violence but the very fact that these activities are done in the name of "allah" makes it a religious act. Plus, the concept of Jihad (use of force against an enemy) doesn't help their matters much. Score: 7

Christianity doesn't advocate any sort of violence that we can tell. No concept in their religion really advocates violence except for "eye for an eye" and some stoning in the Bible, but nothing really that screams DEVIl DEVIL DEVIL. They have however persecuted Jews and Islam, and don't forget about the old church's "reformation" Rating: 5

Judiasm has really gotten a bad rap. Jews haven't really ever taught violence, engaged in violence, or done anything to portray them as violent. If anything, violence has been advocated against the Jews. THe only violence they have done is killing Jesus, which to some is worse than the above crime but only one act.
Rating: 2

Islam vs. Christianty vs. Jews
More Murders?
Islam- Well do you count 9/11? I'm not going to. I will however, count all the suicide bombs between Israel and Islam because those are truly religious acts. Obviously I have no direct number to how many people have been killed in the name of Islam. But today, I would have to say over 10,000 people in the last 10 years have died as a result of this religion. Very bad, Mussies, very bad.
Rating: 7

Christianity- 56,000,000 have been killed in the name of Christianity, probably more. 9,000,000 because of witchcraft beliefs, 30,000,000 Mexicans and Peruvians were slaughtered so they could be convinced of the beauties of the Christian creed, 1,000,000 were destroyed in the Holy Wars against the Netherlands, Albigenses, Waldenses, and Huguenots, 2,000,000 of Saxons and Scandinavians lost their lives in opposing the introduction of the blessings of Christianity, 5,000,000 perished during the eight Crusades, 7,000,000 during the Saracen slaughters in Spain, 1,000,000 during the Carthaginian struggle, and 1,000,000 perished during the early Arian schism. Need I say more?
Rating: 10

Judaism--I looked all over the next and couldn't find much on Jews persecuting other religions. Jesus is one. I did come accross a figure that said there were 9,000,000 martyr's during the time of Jesus that were killed but I'm not so sure. Those crucifixitions and the like were'nt THAT prevelant.
Rating: 4

Islam vs. Christianity vs. Judaism (Since this is a "good" aspect, lower score means better)
Islam-- Now, these guys pray 5 times a day, everyday. They go to mosques regualarly. They define some of their governments on the Quaran, which is basically their bible. They follow to the word their beliefs. And if you take the word jihad literally than they really are taking it to the limit. You cannot deny their committment to their religion.
Rating: 3

Christianity-- Yeah, okay. This religion is losing followers faster than the "Britney Spears Fan Club". Honestly, to Catholics even take their religion seriously. Most ignore their commandments, save a few, and go to church twice a year. Some do take it seriously, but with all the scandals with priests (which are BREAKING COMMANDMENTS AND THEY ARE PRIESTS) there is no doubt the Catholic religion is starting to become a contradiction of itself.
Rating: 8

Judiasm-- The Jews go hardcore. They celebrate Hannukah for a few weeks, while Christians just do for a day or 2. Eating Kosher food and the whole Bar Mitzvah thing is alot more serious than a Conformation, u barely even have to do anything to get confirmed. They still are accepting of other religions even though they have been persecuted non stop for thousands of years. Although not as seriously as the Muslims, the Jews really don't contradict their beliefs with scandals. The Jews have always been accused of being money hungry but look at how much more money lies in the Catholic Religion. You think the Pope and the Cardinals are flying coach? Psh, get out of here.
Rating: 4

Final Tally
1. Christianity--23
2. Islam--17
3. Judaism--10

So, by my deductions, God really does love the Jews the best. They are the least violent of the three religions and second in following, have refused to persecute relgiions throughout all their hardships.

Muslims, on the other hand, are maybe a little too dedicated. I think God would prefer it if they took it easy on the killing and persecuting of the Jews and others. Still, they deserve their spot as #2 because throughout history, they have been persecuted very much in their own right.

Christianity, you should be ashamed of yourself. They have killed, although not lately, many that simply didn't believe in their beliefs. Christians have failed to take their religion as seriously as they used to with people of the faith falling out. Not to mention, they try and force their religion on anyone and are hardly accepting of other religions. WE'RE GOING TO HELL! I'll bring the beer, make sure someone brings some ice, it's gonna be hot.

Backlash from this column? Nahhh, I don't think so. I'm loving writing about these religious themes because they get my site more and more hits, so flame me as much as you like, I'm still gonna tell you your religion is contradictory, boring, and a load of crap.

Hope you enjoyed!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Vegas Over/Under

You like it, you love it, and judging by my slowing increasing hit-o-meter, you want more of it. So let's not waste time with idle chit-chat and get down to brass tacks in the newest blog produced by yours truly

Time we will be at war with Iran
Over/Under: March 2009
As a notorious gambler, I will take the over here. My reasoning you ask? The Democrats. I'd say if Bush was in power for another term, the under, but there's no way the Democrats would ever declare war on Iran. Although, tensions are boiling over between the two countries everyday now and it seems like war is inevitable. It's sad because if we do go to war with Iran in the next 5 years, our children and their children will really live in a terrorist-infested world that will see a paranoia far worse than the already high level today.

Time we will be in Iraq
Over/Under: July 2008
It's sad that the opposition to the Iraq war began simply when people figured out it was a futile effort. Now, as we have crossed the 4 year mark, talks of Iraq dominate politics and debates. Can we leave? I'll take the over here as well. In the largest foreign policy disaster in this countries history since Vietnam, there is no end in sight. How can we leave? If we do, Saddam Hussein Jr. (not literally) will just rise up to power and in 15-20 years, we'll have the same situation there as we did before. If you thought the Middle East was unstable 5 years ago, wait til you see it when we leave Iraq. They may as well rename Iraq "Terrorist Training Land".

Time before next world war
Over/Under: 2025
In today's political climate, it would take a major international incident to start a world war. That being said, I think after Iraq the United States will be reluctant to engage in any major conflict. Suffice to say, not to sound like a cocky American, there can be no world war without America, China, Russia, or Western Europe involved. It's very difficult to predict this one though, because it only takes one bullet to change the world (see World War 1). I'll go with the under here, contradicting everything I just said. War will start someday because of either something happening to Israel, which the U.S. is in love with, a nuclear incident between India/Pakistan/China, that has been brewing for a century, the assasination of a world leader by an state-sponsored terrorist group (Hamas in Isreal, Hezballah in Lebanon, etc.) or another 9/11 type attack. I hope to God I'm wrong though.

Time Before Cubs win the Series
Over/Under: 2019
Excuse my pessimism, but I'm a Cubs fan. Only in the world of Cubs fandom could I say Over, but I will. I honestly can't see this happening in my lifetime. God, if he exists, won't let it happen. Bartman, the goat, the black cat. Just coincidences you say? You must be a Sox or Cardinals fan. By the time the Cubs win the World Series, hell will have frozen over and I will come back to Earth as the Second Coming of Christ. Monkeys will rule the earth and the world will revert back to one complete land mass instead of the 7 continents. See how optimistic I am?

Time Before I go to Greece
Over/Under: 30 days
Under. HaHa to you

Amount of years before China becomes a democracy
Over/Under: 25
China's communism is a facade for tradition but still, the government has alot of power over the people. Modernization will eventually lead to China's declaring of a different style government. However, I'm still going to take the over here. That facade is what keeps relations with China so important. Also, it doesn't make China side with the West or the Second/Third World, because socialism is not about allies, it's about yourself.

I'm sorry but I'm tired of writing for now, as this does take alot of brain power to do, especially for me. I will continue this or something sometime over the weekend when I have a bit more time but I just wanted to keep you coming back for more. This week is hectic. Over/Under how many other 10 page papers I have to write by April 25? It would be a push at 5, so please take it easy on me. Aur revoir

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Keith Richards is Immortal (Top Drug Deaths)

I heard a joke once "If there was a nuclear apocalypse only two things would survive--Cockroaches and Keith Richards." So today I'll take a look at the top 10 most tragic figures that have succummed to or have continued heavy drug use. And no, Mel Gibson and all the other "alcoholics" out there will not be on this list.

10. Judy Garland
Best known for her lead performence as Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, Garland had an excellent acting career, but of course with ups and downs. She had an amazing comeback in Carnegie Hall, quotes as "the greatest performence in all of showbiz," because doctors told her she would never sing again but clearly they were wrong. The mother of Liza Minelli, her childhood problems, medical problems, and increasing drug use eventually got the best of her. She died at age 47 of an overdose of barbituates in 1969. Those drugs must have taken her "Somewhere over the rainbow."

9. Len Bias
A future NBA star, Len Bias was highly recruited as "the best forward to ever come out of college." Coach K of Duke says the top 2 ACC players of all time were Jordan and Bias, a Unv. of Maryland standout. He was selected second overall by the Celtics in the 1986 NBA draft. However, he was abusing cocaine to the highest degree and died of a cocaine overdose 2 days after the draft. From rags to riches to worm-food in a matter of days, he is the epitome of the "troubled athlete".

8. Janis Joplin
What is it about music that makes people abuse drugs? Joplin is often considered one of the top 3 women musicians of all time. However, it's likely she could easily have gotten to number one if she lived past 27. Her vocal style, dress style, sexual and political outspokenness, and living like "one of the boys" all contribute to her legacy as ushering in a new generation of female musicians. Her heroin overdose in 1970 was shocking and unneccessary. In perhaps the coolest thing anyone has ever willed to anyone, she willed a ton of money to friends to throw a huge party when she died and they did. She is a member of the "27 Club", a group of musicians who were heavily influential that died at age 27, along with Cobain, Morrison, and Hendrix.

7. John Belushi
The Animal House star was a icon of his time. At age 30, he had the #1 movie (animal house), album (blues brothers soundtrack), and tv program (SNL). However his drug use was documented for some time. Eventually, in 1982 at age 33 he died of an overdose of a "speedball" (cocaine mixed with heroin). His life, like his persona in movies and TV, was eratic and out of control. Belushi was the life of the party and the death of SNL.

6. Chris Farely
A huge admirerer of Belushi, he ironically died the same age and way that his hero did. Farely, known for his crazy antics on stage, was actually rather shy and stuggled with obesity, alcoholism, and drug addiction throughout his late 20s and early 30s. Roles in Black Sheep, Tommy Boy, SNL, Beverly Hills Ninja, all were springboards to success for the troubled star. However, in 1997, Farely died of an overdose of a "speedball", as mentioned above. A funny man on screen but a depressing figure on drugs.

5. Rick James
"Superfreak" was a ridiculous drug user. For 5 years straight, he spent $7,000 a WEEK on cocaine and put alluminum foil on his windows. His music career was that one of stardom and up-tempo Motown style that made him hugely popular. However, his music started to suffer, understandably, after he started heavily abusing coke. Although he didn't die of an overdose like the rest of the list in his system at the time of his death were non-fatal doses of Xanax, Valium, Wellbutrin (smoke aid), Celexa (anxiety meds), Vicodin, Digoxin (heart meds), Chlorphenamine (allergy meds), Meth, Marijuana, and Cocaine. He had diabetes, heart problems, past strokes, a pacemaker, and ultimatly succumed to heart failure likely due to a DISGUSTING amount of continued drug use. To even live as long as he did, he truly was a "Superfreak".

4. Jim Morrison
Morrison, lead singer of the Doors, had a huge amount of fans mainly due to his charismatic personality and music. However, his music is often overshadowed by his extreme drug use combined with little food intake. His death, although a mystery, likely had something to do with drugs. However, he ranks so "high" (pun intended, indeed) on this list because of its shock on the world of music. His lyrics on drugs, sex, maddness and death were influential to future musicians and heavily revered by fans. The most popular account of his death on July 3, 1971 in Paris (making him a 27 Club member) is that he overdosed on a very large amount of heroin believing that it was cocaine, an occasionaly important detail when doing a large amount of drugs.

3. Edgar Allen Poe
Hey, they can't all be musicians and actors. Poe was perhaps the greatest poet of all time and his works are often referenced in popular culture. However, beyond brilliance there is sometimes madness. Poe nearly died of an overdose earlier on laudanum, a tranquilizer at the time. To be fair, his alcoholism and insanity has probably been greatly exaggerated over the years by "character assasination". He was an alcoholic and user. His death remains one of the biggest "conspiracy" types death ever, as there are countless theories including murder, rabies, alcoholism, suicide, cholera, STD, or an overdose. The day of his death he was on the streets of Baltimore "in great distress and in need of immediate assistance" and wearing someone else's close. Poe's true cause may be known nevermore, nevermore.

2. Kurt Cobain
Cobain's story is well known. The troubled rock star of Nirvana was at the helm of the punk rock movement in the 1990s. However, as his popularity increased, he became a reluctant celebrity and heroin user. He also suffered from a very painful stomach problem that he tried to get diagnosed for years but was left without answer. He self-medicated with heroin and other drugs. As time passed, his drug use increased to the addiction level. And in 1994, he became another member of the 27 Club when he shot himself in the head because of the depression his drug use and stardom had caused him. He is survived by his widow, Stupid Ugly Disgusting Whore Courtney Love.

1. Jimi Hendrix
An innovator, Hendrix is often considered one of, if not the, greatest innovators of music in history. His "psychadelic" tunes combined with blues, jazz, and funk were some of the most influential blends of music ever created. He is often considered the greatest guitarist ever and it is hard to argue that. Hendrix is widely known for his drug use, especially LSD which he used to put on his headband and would get high when he started sweating on stage. He often used sleeping pills, speed, and marijuana to fuel a "stop and go" lifestyle. On September 18, 1970, Hendrix was either found dead in his room or died on the way to the hospital. His death was a result of taking 9 sleeping pills at once with wine and then choking on his own vomit, unable to wake up due to the pills. His death was ruled a suicide but conspiracy remains, as it often does, about his ill-timed death. The greatest member of "27 Club", Hendrix's drug use and death was surely Largely Surely Dumbfoundely unneccessary

Suffice to say, this is the greatest blog I've ever written and you should enjoy it, hopefully. Just goes to show you that the great lifestyle of Drugs, Sex, and Rock N'Roll often leads to an early exit off stage.

