Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Great Moments in Drunkenness

I've edited this as of 7/5/07.

Here are my top 6 greatest moment's in my own drunkenness. I hope they entertain you and give a view of how I act when I have a little too much sauce.
Alright, then. Let's have it. I had to take

#6--My Performence the morning after while walking up Acrocorinth
I don't know a better feeling than waking up drunk from the night before, knowing you don't have a hangover. And although I remember few details of the trip up/down, I remember tons of singing, tons of me screaming at tourists, and falling assleep during one of my classmates' presentations. (so what, it was boring) Since, I have renamed this hike the "Hike of Happiness".

#5-- Party last June (names left out for legal purposes)
Not only was I driving home that night, I was also drinking alot. Since I was so good, i was forced to do 1/2 cup flip cup. After about 10 games of that I was drunk. And the night was just getting started. I remember 3 or 4 more games of beerpong, with some jackass spiking my beer with Cuervo. Then shots of Cuervo and a Jagerbomb and who the hell knows how much else I had to drink, the point is, I was completely over the wall hammered and was about to lose conciousness. That's when I had to go and drive me and a friend home. With no DD in site, I pulled through it all and got my friend home and then watched him puke up to his front step. Then, I made it to my house and parked my car half on the driveway/half on the lawn. I remember nothing of this drive. Proving, I am the master of Drunk Driving (not encouraging it, though) I call this night "Drove Home by a Ghost Rider Night"

#4-- Roses for Everyone!
I had never gotten drunk off of wine before so, I just keep going and going and going and i was HAMMERED. Like, wow. So as our group is leaving the restaurant, a rose vendor ask me to buy roses for the 15-18 girls in our group. Never one to turn down a supposed at the time bargain, i purchased 20 roses, just to make sure we had some extra. After all the girls were given their beautiful roses we headed back to the hotel and on the way I saw a vendor closing up shop and went and gave her a rose saying "your so beautiful, you deserve this flower more than anyone". She probably went home and masturbated it was so charmingly awesome. When we got back to the hotel bar, I bought an entire bottle of wine for our group, which was drank rather quickly. I tried to tip our waitresses, who weren't even serving us, 20 Euros a piece. I spent 20 minutes trying to convince them to take it and finally one of the waitresses took 10. Then I went back to drinking, forgetting what I was even tipping the waittresses for.

This occured the day me and my friend's m.i.p. ticket got thrown out of the court with no repercussions. so we went home and started playing beer pong at 1015 AM. i think we must have played at least 8 games in a row since we we're so excited, not to mention the side drinks we had. We took it outside, continuining drinking, attempting to play basketball and suddenly getting very hungry. So we ordered by asking a place what they're biggest size was and to just send that. After more pong, the pizza arrived and it was the best meal any of us have ever had. EVER. Oh man what a day. (ehem passed out at 130pm on my lawn ehem)

#2-- 6AM to 7PM
In what could be contructed as the greatest feat of mankind, I held a kegger at my mom's house while she was away and it was AWESOME. Thing is, I had to work the next day at 6AM to 7PM with no breaks. After a few kegstands and more and more drinks, it was suddenly 4AM and I was hammered. In order to be avoiding sleep and wake up a little, we took a 4AM Dunking Donuts run which really didnt help, in fact it made me sick. I went to work, plastered, and did all my setups. Another guy there had a similar night to me so we were fucking off the wall. I feel asleep, on shift, from 630am-8am. Still drunk, I worked it off and worked all fucking day in that shithole until 7pm, only to throw another large party at my moms house that very night. I was delirious for days on end, but the experience is undeniably the most ridiculous thing you could ever imagine. Just fucking insane.

#1-- My 21st Birthday
Kegger at the dads. Starting at 10AM and going til midnight. 25 shots. Over 20 Beers and NO vomit. So hightlights from the night
-Me throwing a stress ball instead of a ping pong ball, knocking over all 10 cups and spilling it all on a girl
-Me jumping through a table and breaking it in half while scabbing my knees
-Doing a quadruple shot of Goldschlager after I'd already done 21 shots
-Falling down over 20 times, knocking over my iPod dock 4 times
-Trying to break awkward silences, I tried to break the ice by saying "yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo....." but couldnt stop and had nothing to say after that
-Kicking everyone off of my deck just to make a phone call
-Passing out on my dads kitchen table
-2 Shots Vodka, 4 shots Tequila, 19 shots Goldschlager

Well after the book list, I thought I'd entertain you in a different way and point out my biggest weaknesses and what happpens when I give in to them. Who knows what my next post will be about but I'm sure it will have something to do with amazingness. That is all.

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