Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Sporting Some Big Problems

What is going on with the sports world lately? It seems that all the major sports, Basketball, Football, Baseball, are going through some rough patches on and off the field. Today I have the solutions for the respective ambassadors of said sporting organizations for these very serious and very damaging problems. Let's tip it off.....

League: NFL
Problem(s): Michael Vick's Dog Fighting League, Adam "Pac-Man" Jones' multiple legal problems, other stupid people with money getting arrested constantly
Solution: Well, to start off, suspending Jones for the year was a good move. Suspending troubled Tank Johnson for a little was also good. Suspend Vick immediately for the entire season. There is no reason the 2nd richest player in the NFL should be going around, not just his state, but the ENTIRE COUNTRY starting a Fight Club for Dogs for fun. Stupid people with money. If he goes to jail for this, which he probably won't, it would be a major Public Relations hit for the league's image. The NFL should distance themselves from Vick completely and release a statement condeming this ridiculously stupid behavior.

League: MLB
Problem(s): Barry Bonds being alive
Solution: Ummm, kill him? Seriously though, Bonds' blatant lack of respect for the game has people cringing as he closes in on the all-time home run record. Minus San Fransisco nobody likes this guy at all. So the only thing Major League Baseball can do about this is hope Bonds breaks the record quickly, retires after the season, gets arrested for his doping crap, and Alex Rodriguez of the NY Yankees breaks the record in the next decade. Or anyone. It doesn't matter, as long as it's not Bonds. If Bonds does get arrested for steriods in the future, you could take his name out of the record books completely. However, it would need to be alot more than the bullshit perjury charges he's facing now.

League: UCI (cycling)
Problem: Major Racers Using 'Roids
Solution: Last year's champ, Floyd Landis, got his title taken away. The leader through more than half the race this year got taken out of the race. Both were accused of serious rules violations. Now I'm not too hot regarding the rules of cycling but if I were heading up this organization I would test racers BEFORE the races so they don't get suspended mid-race. Also you may want to hand out larger fines and penalties for these kinds of violations. Then again, it's just bike-riding.

League: NBA
Problem(s): Former ref fixing games
Solution: Now this is a tough one. From now on, the league needs to and will do major background checks on the people they hire, possibly even through the FBI and other federal org.'s. But this gambling thing with Tim Donaghy fixing games for himself and the mob really is more serious than it looks. Ref's will come into question with all close calls from now on, point spreads will be analyzed mid-game. The only thing the NBA can possibly do is hope the FBI finds this to be an isolated incident and absolutely make positively sure that anyone working for them, including players, is not having money problems of any kind. But this will set the NBA back years no matter what it does, so in this case "only time can heal all wounds".

I know, not a great blog, but I needed something to get my mind going here. Hopefully I can think of something more interesting for next time than what's currently playing on ESPN. Oh well, hope you enjoyed it nonetheless and I will absolutely see you soon. Or you'll see the blog. Either way.

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