Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Enemies of the State

I said I'd do virtues, but writing about the more negative aspects of life seems to be more interesting and easier. So today, I'm going to tell you why Muslims, Iraqi's, and Iranians aren't our real enemies. We Americans have and will face no bigger enemeies than ourselves.

Enemy #1: Pharmecutical Companies
Did I spell that right? I just wanted to know because I wrote a paper and I mispelled "Eszopiclone". I don't even know how to pronounce that. Oh but did I mention 3.3 million Americans were prescribed it last year? You may know it better as "Lunesta". However, with almost a half a million people under 20 taking it, not to mention the high cost of the drug, are we breeding a culture that wakes up, takes an anti-depressent, goes to work, comes home and pops a pill to sleep? These companies make billions, almost trillions, on you, me, your grandma and her elderly friends who are being prescribed anti-anxiety, anti-depressent, sleep aids, muscle relaxants, anti-pain meds like they are the candy. These drugs are becoming the symbol for a modern illusion of a "cure-all" while pharmecutical companies are raping your savings account.

Enemy #2: Hollywood
If they had it their way, Hollywood would just secede from the U.S. and become a foreign nation. Well, they should because they think they own the place. Hollywood is what most of the world sees of us, not the 300 pounds guy walking out of Burger king in Texas, with a gun in his back pocket. Paris Hilton is a celebrity, ummmm HOW? We are such a materialistic culture, that we are represented by the people who flaunt it and brag about it the most. And people like Sean Penn, Al Gore's director, Michael Moore, George Clooney all think their opinions are more important than ours as the speak out against issues like Global Warming, War, and poverty in Africa, but then go to sleep in their $6,000 bedsheets after fucking a supermodel. Nothing against rich people, but if Clooney, Penn, and Moore really want to help their causes, why don't they just give more money and live more modestly. Because you know what? WE CAN'T AFFORD TO!

Enemy #3: Ignorance
There's nothing funnier than schooling a redneck in a debate. However, many of Americans are so ignorant of what is going on outside the country and in it, that it's a wonder they don't just float off the globe. When Muslim mosques are vandalized because 20 Muslims out of 1 billion killed Americans and when race is such an extreme factor against Barack Obama's campaign, we have a problem. Yes, even me and you are guilty of it sometimes. But the more ignorant we get, the less understanding we are. And it makes it worse when Kramer from Seinfeld calls someone a nigger and thinks apologizing to one black man, Jesse Jackson, is enough to just forget about it. By the way, Jesse Jackson is a tool.

Enemy #4: The Media
Stay tuned and we'll tell you why some brands of chips....MAY GIVE YOU CANCER! All the media does today is try and scare you, as well as blowing miniscule events way out of proportion. Violence, drugs, the health beat, throw in some weather and you got your typical American news program. But let's blame Don Imus for calling the Rutgers team nappy headed ho's and YouTube, videogames, wrestling, movies, his culture, depression for school shootings. Because THAT's what we should be focusing on. OH! We'll fire Imus and act like it never happened, but in a month or two the same damn thing we'll happen and instead of contributing to the solution, the media just blows it up and starts placing blame. Maybe the violent culture isn't because of guns, movies, videogames, music, and YouTube (wtf, honestly someone blamed the VT shooting on it, i vomited in my mouth) but rather it's the medias fault for focusing so much on the bad, rather on the thousands of good acts that go unnoticed everyday. Cell phones and iPods give you cancer you say FoxNews? Durex condoms break 1 times out of 10 CNN? Well, I think I'll just not ever listen to music, talk on the phone, or have sex. Or maybe I'll just have fun and get cancer like everyone else. Yeah, I think I'll do that.

Enemy #5: Atheism
Now I know this contradicts alot of what I said before, but it doesnt. OH, gotcha! I don't mean that we should all go to church everyday, spread the word of God on the streets, and things like that. What I'm saying is, as religion becomes less important, so do values. For some this is not true, and I apologize to you. But when there's no incentive to really be good, why be good? As religion is less important, self-satisfaction becomes more important. Maybe when Marx said "religion is the opium of the people" he was right. But opium takes away the pain. As does religion. With religion, we can fight death with more confidence and less fear. We can worry less about getting robbed and more about being loved. The world is a horrible, awful, disgusting place. We have it lucky to have some money and be able to live comfortably. So as religion fades, pain, emotional not physical, starts to take it's place. Just look at Enemy #1. A lot of Americans are starting to feel the pain and have nowhere to turn.

Hoped you enjoyed my latest rendition of the blog. I'll do one more before I take off, I promise. But until then, look at the real enemies because chances are that they will hurt you before any Iranian, Muslim, Iraqi, or Arab ever does.
Aur Revoir

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