Sunday, March 25, 2007

An Oscar Review

Hey there again, I know your probably sick of my posts on movies and stuff but I'm gonna give you another one anyway. I'll tell you what Best Pictures deserved to win, which didn't, and stuff like that of the past 20 years. Here we go.

1986, Winner: Platoon
Deserved it? Yes sir, it did. The other movies nominated are nothing to remember and Platoon was one of the great Vietnam war movies.

1987, Winner: The Last Emperor
Deserved it? Yes, but I'm officially appointing this year the worst movie year of the last 20. Let's just say Cher was nominated for Best Actress. Yikes.

1988, Winner: Rain Man
Deserved it? Sure did. However, this was also a terrible movie year. The 80s were pretty bad in general.

1989, Winner: Driving Miss Daisy
Deserved it? I'm going to say no, it was probably the 4th best movie nominated. Field of Dreams, Dead Poets Society, and My Left Foot were all better films than Driving Miss Daisy, which was a nice, heartwarming story, I just think Field of Dreams or Dead Poets Society (probably F.O.D.) should have taken home Oscar.

1990, Winner: Dances with Wolves
Deserved it? No way. Goodfellas was a much better movie and much more memorable. Honestly, I can see why Scorsese was pissed, Goodfellas was MUCH better than Dances of Wolves, Academy just making up for not giving Costner a win in Field of Dreams.

1991, Winner: Silence of the Lambs
Deserved it? Why, hell yes it did. This movie is probably one of the last good horror movies. Plus, it was amazingly creepy and Anthony Hopkins simply made this movie far and above better than JFK, Bugsy, Prince of Tides (Barbara Streisand? Come on, now), and Beauty and the Beast. Thank god JFK didn't win.

1992, Winner: Unforgiven
Deserved it? I would say so, Clint Eastwood at his very best, throw in Morgan Freeman and this is probably the best "modern" western we have seen. Plus, Scent of a Woman was all Pacino and A Few Good Men was all one line (You can't handle the truth!).

1993, Winner: Schindler's List
Deserved it? BY FAR. 2nd place was The Fugitive, a good movie, but nothing like the emotion captured in Schindler's List.

1994, Winner: Forrest Gump
Deserved it? No. Although it was a good movie, both Pulp Fiction and The Shawshank Redemption were better. Shawshank should have taken home Oscar, it was the best movie of the 90s and go snubbed by a retarted southerner on a bench.

1995, Winner: Braveheart
Deserved it? Sure, I guess. Probably the worst movie year of the 90s. BABE (yes, the pig movie) was nominated for Best Picture! So the anti-semitic William Wallace can take home his Oscar without controversey.

1996, Winner: The English Patient
Deserved it? No NO NO NO AHHHH NO!!!! WHAT A BAD MOVIE! Fargo and Jerry Maguire were MUCH MUCH better than this CRAP. This is the teh worst best picture winner of the 90s. Fargo should have taken home the prize but the Academy always has to go conservative.

1997, Winner: Titanic
Deserved it? Not really. It just won because it made 1 billion dollars and if it didn't win, alot of people wouldnt watch the Awards anymore. L.A. confidential was a better movie but Jesus couldn't have beat Titanic this year.

1998, Winner: Shakespere in Love
Deserved it? I look back at this year as the biggest upset maybe ever in the awards in any category. Saving Private Ryan and Life is Beautiful both were a lot better and alot more meaningful than this crap. I'm absolutely dumbfounded as to how this won. Maybe since three World War 2 movies were nominated this year, but that doesnt matter because they all dealt with different sides of the war. (Life is Beautiful from a Jew, Thin Red Line from Guadalcanal, and Private Ryan from Germany. The Academy was just plain dumb making this decision.

1999, Winner: American Beauty
Deserved it? Sure, it was a great movie, probably a little better than Sixth Sense and The Green Mile. Plus, American Beauty really showed the darker side of suburban America that we rarely see in film or TV.

2000, Winner: Gladiator
Deserved it? Yeah, I guess. Although it's a little overrated it was better than the other crap nominated. Chocolat? Erin Brokovich? Both crap. Traffic was mediocre. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was excellent and may have been better but no Foreign film has ever won Best Picture.

2001, Winner: A Beautiful Mind
Deserved it? No. Now I'm no Lord of the Rings nut here but I think the Academy should have gave it to the first Lord of the Rings here as it was better than A Beautful Mind.

2002, Winner: Chicago
Deserved it? Hell no it didnt. This is one of the worst decisions ever. The Pianist, Lord of the Rings 2, and The Hours all deserved it more than Chicago. The surprise is that nobody was even surprised when this happened. WHY?

2003, Winner: Lord of the Rings 3
Deserved it? Probably but not in my opinion. Maybe I'm the only one that liked Lost in Translation better but I did and I'll stand by my opinion. The Academy just gave ever single award to the LOTR this year, in what was the worst ceremony ever. This is what I mean when I say LOTR 1 should have won, not this one.

2004, Winner: Million Dollar Baby
Deserved it? Ehhh. I'm going to say no. Finding Neverland, Ray, Sideways, The Aviator were all just good, not great but so was MDB. I think Finding Neverland was better as well as Ray but not by much so it's not that big a goof up. Plus, it's Clint and teh Academy has their lips attached to his butt.

2005, Winner: Crash
Deserved it? Sure did, 2nd biggest upset though. Everyone thought that Brokeback Mountain was going to win and alot thought it actually deserved it. But it didn, the gays were trying to get a moral victory with the movie, which I still haven't and won't see. Sorry, gay cowboys don't win Oscars.

2006, Winner: The Departed
Deserved it? Yes, it was the best of the year. I was surprised it won, I Little Miss Sunshine would but it didnt. I'm happy this won though, it wasn't Marty's best but it was the best of 06.

So here's how the Academy did: 11/20

What should have won:
Field of Dreams over Driving Miss Daisy (1989)
Goodfellas over Dances with Wolves (1990)
Shawshank Redemption over Forrest Gump (1994)
Fargo over The English Patient (1996)
L.A. Confidential over Titanic (1997)
Saving Private Ryan/Life is Beautiful over Shakespere in Love (1998)
Lord of the Rings 1 over A Beautiful Mind (2001)
The Pianist/LOTR 2 over Chicago (2002)
Finding Neverland over Million Dollar Baby (2004)

So the Academy is retarted, that's all I have to say about that really. But enough about my ranting about movies, I just had to publish my hate for the MPAA and the Academy. If I went further back, I could have found some worse picks than these but I won't take up my whole blog on that, maybe some other time.
I promise you a political/war themed blog next time, so I don't get the Christian right campaigning to get my blog shut down. (see the Post below: Why there's no God) Until next time, Tot ziens!

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