Well now that I'm done with school for the semester I can blog for a little before I hop on a jet to Athens. Today I'm going to talk about the 7 Deadly Sins and the greatest offenders, that we know of, throughout history of these "deadly" sins. Tommorow I'll do the exact opposite and explore the virtues and things related to those 7 wonderful things. Maybe I'll do it tonight, who knows.
I'm gonna name the sins in Latin because it sounds better than English. If you can't figure it out, Potes meos suaviari clunes
Sin #1: Luxuria ("Lust")
Offender: Marquis de Sade (June 2, 1740 – December 2, 1814)
A bisexual philosopher who wrote about pornography and engaged in it quite frequently. While most settle down after getting married, de Sade did the exact opposite. He let go of all his inhibitions, abused young prostitutes, and cheated on his wife with his sister. After engaging in sodomy with some dude and poisining prostitutes in a "date rape" type of way, he was sentenced to death. Now I'm not going to give you his biography here but he was arrested at least 6 more times, and every time escaped and hired servants who complained of sexual abuse. He was declared insane by the state and lived out his days in prison where he had an affair with a 13 year old boy until his death at age 74, a modest 61 year age difference.
Sin #2: Gula ("Gluttony")
Offender: Carol Yager (1960-1994)
Ms. Yager has the distinction of being the fattest person to live, weighing at a modest 1,600 lbs. Apparently she had some time of eating disorder (you think?). She was 5-feet WIDE and claimed her disorder was due to sexual abuse as a child. I really don't know what else to say, this is disgusting, let's move on.
Sin #3: Avaritia ("Greed")
Offender: Adolf Hitler (April 20, 1889 – April 30, 1945)
ALthough he is most known for his evilness, Hitler was one greedy little man. He wanted everything for Germany and himself and if he hadn't invaded the USSR, one of the biggest military blunders ever, the world would be alot different. He used whatever he wanted to acheive his goals. Everything he did, every agreement he made came with his own hidden agenda. He never wanted what was best for Germany, he wanted what was best for himself.
Sin #4: Acedia ("Sloth")
Offender: Sylvia Plath (October 27, 1932 – February 11, 1963)
This is tough since the definition of sloth is vague but I'm going to say it deals with depression but it can be interpreted in many ways. Since most poets are depressed, I picked one. Sylvia Plath suffered from an increasing depression throughout her life and her most known work, The Bell Jar is a semi-autobiographical work on her depressive state. She suffered from an intense insomnia and was subjected to electroshock therapy. Her suicide came at a very young age and was conducted by leaving milk and cookies out for her kids, then locking the doors to her kitchen and sticking her head in an oven.
Sin #5: Ira ("Wrath")
Offender: Josef Stalin (December 18,1878 – March 5, 1953)
Stalin hated everyone and was very paranoid. Jews, Gypsies, Catholics, Russians, Baltics, Muslims, Tatars, Cossacks, Germans, Polacs, and anyone and everyone were deported to the Siberian work camps, gulags, or killed or totured. I don't know what else to say, this guy is responsible for more death, destruction, and persecution than anyone in history. His hatred for everyone who opposed him or posed a theat, as well as his paranoia earns him a spot on my list.
Sin #6: Invidia ("Envy")
Offender: Chicago Cubs fans (1908-current)
Who was the most envious man in history? Oh, the Cubs envy every other team that has won a world series since 1908. If they don't win this year, the streak will go to 100. The goat, Bartman, Leon Durham pulling a Buckner, the Black Cat in '69 all bring about horrible memories. Cubs fans, although loyal, are envious of all baseball fans who's team has won a world series and all those who never got into the Cubs, because they don't have to suffer. We may not admit it, but we are more jealous of any Yankees fan than Bill Gates. Now THAT's envy. (plus this one was really hard to find in history so I decided this would be a good example)
Sin #7: Superbia ("Pride")
Offender: Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, aka Caligula (August 31, 12 – January 24, 41)
Nobody was prouder than crazy old Caligula. He erected temples in his honor, proclaiming himself a god in Rome. He abused vebally and physically everyone and anyone. He wasted a lot of Rome's money on vain and unnecessary expenditures such as the Lake Nemi ships (look it up) and ridiculous building projects in his honor. He also was a sexual deviant and often took Senators wives away from them during parties to have sex with them and then describe the sexual encounter to her husband right after. He had orgies in the royal palace, with men and women (he was bi-sexual), as well as holding executions while eating (uhhhhhhhhhhh....). Oh yeah, and he appointed his horse as a senator. Crazy, horny, and very, very proud of himself indeed.
Well, there you have it. Some very bad people. However, look at yourself in the mirror and you'll see that you have at one time or another broken these sins, although not to the degree of the above. Every man thinks lustfull thoughts, everyone looks in the mirror, we want what we can't have, we get angry, we binge drink, and sometimes we just don't care. Our own deviance is what drives us to get better or to get worse, it's your choice.
I saw this and thought it was interesting to look at, although it has little to do with the concept of my post.
Sin Punishment in Hell Animal Color
Pride broken on the wheel Horse Violet
Envy put in freezing water Dog Green
Anger dismembered alive Bear Red
Sloth thrown in snake pits Goat Light Blue
Greed put in boiling oil Frog Yellow
Glutton forced to eat rats Pig Orange
Lust smothered in fire Cow Blue
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