Friday, April 20, 2007

Los Dictadores y Asesina (Dictators and Murder)

Hey there, I always do my best work when I've had a few, for some reason or another. And by reputation, many have wished me "happy holidays" regarding the date (4/20). It gave me an idea, and I love writing posts about history, and dictators (it's Hitlers birthday) seem to fit into that category. So the 5 worst dictators of all the modern era (hey, in all of history, i could do my master's thesis on that) are.......

5. Pol Pot
The infamous P.M. of Cambodia in the late 70s sure made his mark in the history books, although you may never heard of him because the U.S. education system revolves around the U.S. and Europe. He attempted to "purify" his people by moving them around alot to give them a chance at a wonderful communist future. OH but wait, in order to do this, he also held mass executions that resulted in 1-2 million deaths (isn't it funny how historians can't agree on a figure in between that number?) of his own people. After Vietnam invaded, he fled and was dead. Perhaps the only good thing Vietnam ever did, at least the Southern part.

4. Mao Zedong
Mao is such an interesting figure, and one of the most important, in the history of the world. It's unclear whether or not he should be responisble for 1 million or 50 million Chinese deaths is controversial, but many seem to agree that 50 million of his people died as a result of his policies. Mao defines communism. He had such a cult of influence that he was almost regarded as a God in China. Hey, the "real" God 's name has been used to justifty alot more deaths than him, but he is still burning in the 7th circle of hell with.....

3. Saddam Hussein
It's a sad world when he is the 3rd worst dictator of the past 100 years. he used chemical weapons against the Kurds and Shia's in the 90's, resulting in millions of deaths in his rule. His evilness may have been exaggerated in the West, but nonetheless, he was still an evil bastard. He executed political oppoisin, scared the Iraqi people to death, and now we are. It's now how many, it's how he did it. Just a greedy bastard.

2. Adolf Hitler
Now, this was tough. Hitler was a ruthless, ,crazy, and anti-semitic bastard. Who knows how many deaths he indirectly caused, because he basically started WW2. You all know the story. Crazy man takes over Germany, gets them to kill Jews, gets them to fight for him, gets defeated after a whirlwind of destruction. His name is synonoumus with evil.

1. Josef Stalin
Stalin wasn't racist, he hated everyone. During the Soviet era, he deported Jews, Muslims, Polacs, Asians, Christians, and Russians. Oh, and everyone else that opposed him. His reign was one filled with a personality cult and a wave of mass paranoia. He must have resulted in over 70 million deaths. If Hitler didn't invade the USSR, just imagine how different WWII would have turned out. Hitler and Stalin as allies? Pshh, Europe would be called Soviet Germany today.

Whew, good night. I'm trying to get these posts in as the semester is winding down and I have less time, and I'll be on a hiatus for most of May, as I will be in Greece. And summer will definitey have less posts. But still, check as as you can, as the quanity will be less but the quality will surely not be

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