WOW RIGHT? Well, in today's blog I'm going to explain how Christianity, Islam, and Judiasm and how much death they have caused throughout history. I'm going to do this in a "matchup style" format, so we can see what religious followings are going to hell. Uh-oh, better hope it's not you. I will break it down between advocating violence, murders throughout history, and that religions following of their beliefs
Scale 1-10, 1 being very holy, 10 being satanic
Islam Vs. Christianity Vs. Judiasm
Advocate Violence?
Islam "technically" doesn't advocate the use of violence but the very fact that these activities are done in the name of "allah" makes it a religious act. Plus, the concept of Jihad (use of force against an enemy) doesn't help their matters much. Score: 7
Christianity doesn't advocate any sort of violence that we can tell. No concept in their religion really advocates violence except for "eye for an eye" and some stoning in the Bible, but nothing really that screams DEVIl DEVIL DEVIL. They have however persecuted Jews and Islam, and don't forget about the old church's "reformation" Rating: 5
Judiasm has really gotten a bad rap. Jews haven't really ever taught violence, engaged in violence, or done anything to portray them as violent. If anything, violence has been advocated against the Jews. THe only violence they have done is killing Jesus, which to some is worse than the above crime but only one act.
Rating: 2
Islam vs. Christianty vs. Jews
More Murders?
Islam- Well do you count 9/11? I'm not going to. I will however, count all the suicide bombs between Israel and Islam because those are truly religious acts. Obviously I have no direct number to how many people have been killed in the name of Islam. But today, I would have to say over 10,000 people in the last 10 years have died as a result of this religion. Very bad, Mussies, very bad.
Rating: 7
Christianity- 56,000,000 have been killed in the name of Christianity, probably more. 9,000,000 because of witchcraft beliefs, 30,000,000 Mexicans and Peruvians were slaughtered so they could be convinced of the beauties of the Christian creed, 1,000,000 were destroyed in the Holy Wars against the Netherlands, Albigenses, Waldenses, and Huguenots, 2,000,000 of Saxons and Scandinavians lost their lives in opposing the introduction of the blessings of Christianity, 5,000,000 perished during the eight Crusades, 7,000,000 during the Saracen slaughters in Spain, 1,000,000 during the Carthaginian struggle, and 1,000,000 perished during the early Arian schism. Need I say more?
Rating: 10
Judaism--I looked all over the next and couldn't find much on Jews persecuting other religions. Jesus is one. I did come accross a figure that said there were 9,000,000 martyr's during the time of Jesus that were killed but I'm not so sure. Those crucifixitions and the like were'nt THAT prevelant.
Rating: 4
Islam vs. Christianity vs. Judaism (Since this is a "good" aspect, lower score means better)
Islam-- Now, these guys pray 5 times a day, everyday. They go to mosques regualarly. They define some of their governments on the Quaran, which is basically their bible. They follow to the word their beliefs. And if you take the word jihad literally than they really are taking it to the limit. You cannot deny their committment to their religion.
Rating: 3
Christianity-- Yeah, okay. This religion is losing followers faster than the "Britney Spears Fan Club". Honestly, to Catholics even take their religion seriously. Most ignore their commandments, save a few, and go to church twice a year. Some do take it seriously, but with all the scandals with priests (which are BREAKING COMMANDMENTS AND THEY ARE PRIESTS) there is no doubt the Catholic religion is starting to become a contradiction of itself.
Rating: 8
Judiasm-- The Jews go hardcore. They celebrate Hannukah for a few weeks, while Christians just do for a day or 2. Eating Kosher food and the whole Bar Mitzvah thing is alot more serious than a Conformation, u barely even have to do anything to get confirmed. They still are accepting of other religions even though they have been persecuted non stop for thousands of years. Although not as seriously as the Muslims, the Jews really don't contradict their beliefs with scandals. The Jews have always been accused of being money hungry but look at how much more money lies in the Catholic Religion. You think the Pope and the Cardinals are flying coach? Psh, get out of here.
Rating: 4
Final Tally
1. Christianity--23
2. Islam--17
3. Judaism--10
So, by my deductions, God really does love the Jews the best. They are the least violent of the three religions and second in following, have refused to persecute relgiions throughout all their hardships.
Muslims, on the other hand, are maybe a little too dedicated. I think God would prefer it if they took it easy on the killing and persecuting of the Jews and others. Still, they deserve their spot as #2 because throughout history, they have been persecuted very much in their own right.
Christianity, you should be ashamed of yourself. They have killed, although not lately, many that simply didn't believe in their beliefs. Christians have failed to take their religion as seriously as they used to with people of the faith falling out. Not to mention, they try and force their religion on anyone and are hardly accepting of other religions. WE'RE GOING TO HELL! I'll bring the beer, make sure someone brings some ice, it's gonna be hot.
Backlash from this column? Nahhh, I don't think so. I'm loving writing about these religious themes because they get my site more and more hits, so flame me as much as you like, I'm still gonna tell you your religion is contradictory, boring, and a load of crap.
Hope you enjoyed!
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