Well, maybe, he did get more votes than him. Now, I'm no American Idol fan. In fact, I think it's single-handedly destroying America. But let's not get into that. With Bush in power, it makes you wonder who could possibly be a worse president. Well, believe it or not, there have been and I'll tell you the worst 5.
5. Sanjaya Malak..
5. George W. Bush (2000-present), Republican
Now, I didnt say he was off the list. You don't need to be an educated person to see that he just isn't good. With the Iraq mess, which may last until the end of time, his appointment of buffoons such as Alberto Gonzalez, Donald Rumsfeld, and Karl Rove, it's clear he his agenda is not of the consesus among the American people, or the government. He has had the highest approval rating ever (88%) for a president and only got re-elected because, like Rudy Guiliani, he was there on 9/11. At least he's easy to laugh at.
4. Andrew Johnson (1865-1869), Republican/none
Well, besides the fact that he was a racist, he did little to maintain the policies of Abraham Lincoln regarding reconstruction after the Civil War. He vetoed almost all civil rights bills during his administration. He granted amnesty to all Confederates (on Christmas Day, no less) and gave in to many of the Confederate demands to simply keep them in the union. His own party impeached him, twice, and he was only one vote shy of becoming the only president to me impeached (well, Nixon would have). He was so bad, that during the later years of his president he was part of no party, as no party had the desire to include him.
3. James Buchanan (1857-1861), Democrat
Some say he ruined his party, but that's not what earns him a spot on the list. He failed to avoid the infamous Civil War (which the South still thinks they won) and also allowed the Dred Scott decision, which stated that no Afr.-Americans could ever be a citizen. When the South tried to break away from the Union, he really didn't do anything but let it happen. Plus, he was depressed during most of his presidency and it clearly affected his leadership. Guess Prozac was invented too late.
2. Warren Harding (1921-1923), Republican
Besides dying his office, Harding had many problems. And I quote the man: "I am not fit for this office and never should have been here". well, he was probably right. He isolated America with his isolationism policy and opposed the League of Nations and becoming allies with any nation. He cheated his wife, used government funds for himself, was involved in a large oil controversey, and presided over the counter-culture decade known as the "Roaring 20's", but I'm not so sure how bad that was. 4 of his cabinet members were sentenced to jail time, and another committed suicide. I could go on, but I think Harding gets a bad rap just because he appointed the wrong people and died during his term. Give him a break scholars, he was no.....
1. Franklin Pierce (1853-1857), Democrat
Pierce was a Northern who sympathized with the South. He wasn't really a politician before he became president, he was just so popular among everyone that he won. He passed the Kansas/Nebraska Act, which basically repealed the Missouri Compromise and allowed states to chose between slavery or not. He also tried to allow slavery in the West before being denied. The Ostend Manifesto, which was a document hoping to acquire Cuba from Spain, was criticized as an attempt to expand slavery. At the end he was abandoned by his party. Oh yeah, and he was a bona fide alcoholic throughout his life, including during his time in office. Perhaps he should layed off the Beam.
Well, now that you know who the worst presidents are, you can look cool at parties. Anyways, this list could change over time, with Bush becoming the all-time goat. However, the only thing you can do now until January 2009, when the next president takes over, is sit back and laugh at how ridiculous some of the stuff he says and does is. Stay tuned while I compose my list of ranking the American Idol winners, followed by me shooting myself in the head. If Sanjaya would have won, America would have been completely destroyed, so at least we have that going for us.
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