Yup, that's right. I'm taking Espn's most annoying segment and turning it into a political fiasco that will offend conservatives, liberals, moderates, and communistts alike.
Let's take a look at the bracket's here and then get into it.
#1 Vladimir Putin vs. #4 George W Bush
#2 Hu Jintao vs. #3 Queen Elizibeth II
#1 Nicholos Sarkozy vs. #4 Gordon Brown
#2 Fidel Castro vs. #3 Kim Jong-Il
#1 Pratibha Patil vs. #4 Alvaro Uribe
#2 King Rama IX vs. #3 HM King Bhumibol Adulyadej
#1 Denis Sassou Nguesso vs. #4 Pervez Musharaeff
#2 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad vs. #3 Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir
Escobar region #1 PM Patil of India vs. #4 Pres. Uribe of Colombia. Patil has become PM in a nation heavily populated and has notorious women's rights violations. She has risen from 40 years of service in the Indian government to finally serve her nation in the highest capacity. She has alot going for her at the moment. Uribe has had a tough time in drug infested Colombia but has done a nice job considering. However, he just doesnt have what it takes to keep up with Patil at the moment.
Winner: PM Patil of India
#2 King Rama vs. King ADulyajed
Trick question, they are the same person! (didn't realize til I typed it and now I'm just giving him the win
Winner: King Rama IX of Thailand
#1 PM Patil vs. #2 King Rama IX
With Patil so new on the scene, it's hard to see what she's thinking going against the longest serving head of state of all time. Although Patil does have a considerable amount of support, Rama's popularity is unparralled to hers. I have to give it to Rama because of his immense popularity for so many years and still is more popular than Patil.
Escobar Region Winner: #2 King Rama IX of Thailand
Nixon Bracket
#1 Denis Sassou Nguesso (Nigeria) vs. #4 Pervez Musharaeff (Pakistan)
Both have had their share of probelms, with Nguesso splurging all his countries money on himself, while Musharaeff is having a hard time gaining support in his country. Since Nguesso is facing a trial and Musharaeff is facing much criticim at home and abroad, it's tough to say in this one. But I think Musharaeff will take it in the upset, just because of the massive amount of press he's gotten lately and Nguesso's lack of exposure on the international circuit.
Winner: #4 Musharaeff
#2 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran vs. #3 Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir of Sudan
Wow, possibly the toughest matchup of the tourney. Iran vs Sudan here. Both are getting major buzz all over the news all the time. However, I think al-Bashir takes this one becasue his exposure is more worldwide, while the Iranians are more of a western threat. The Darfur situation has rallied an entire world against Sudan and you can't get much more NOW than that.
Winner: #3 al-Bashir
#4 Perez Musharaeff of Pakistan vs. #3 Omar al-Bashir of Sudan
Well, I certainly can't give the Darfur situation less credibility as a NOW situation than the situation in Pakistan, which is like a girl scout retreat in comparison. So al-Bashir gets this, as Musharaeff needs to globalize his countries newsfeed if he wants to win this next year.
Nixon Winner: Omar al-Bashir of Sudan
Stalin Region
#1 Vladimir Putin vs. #4 George W Bush
Bush vs Putin has been brewing for years now. Neither likes each other at all. Putin has had alot of criticism for that spy that they killed and much other stuff. Bush, i dont really need to explain. Putin is a judo master, while Bush likes to walk around the garden. I dunno, I guess with both terms ending soon, I'll give this matchup to putin because he's got somesort of credibility left.
Winner: Vladimir Putin
#2 Hu Jintao vs. #3 Queen Elizibeth II
The new president of China hasn't been around enough to hang with the Queen. Plus, with that movie about her last year getting some Oscars, the Queen is definitely, even now, the most now.
Winner: The Queen
#1 Putin vs. #3 Queen Elizibeth II
Now this is tough. Sure, Putin's been around a while but his term ends in 08 and the Queen will reign on until she dies. So she can stay in the spotlight much longer than Putin. And she is now. So, she takes the crown on this one.
Winner: Queen Elizibth II
#1 Nicholos Sarkozy vs. #4 Gordon Brown
The president of France really has nothing on the new PM of the UK. Nobody likes the French except for the French, everyone just makes fun of them behind their back. Honestly, when was the last time a French politician even got any publicity? World WAr 2? Brown takes it home for England, proving the French really can't win anything.
Winner: #4 Gordon Brown
#2 Fidel Castro vs. #3 Kim Jong-Il
Probably the most difficult matchup in the whole tournament. Castro has been in the news, but it was for a sickness. Kim was in the news but for a failed nuclear explosion. However, the world is much more worried about the threat of Kim Jong-Il than it is about Castro. Castro's almost dead, while it seems Jong-Il's terror reign is just getting heated up.
Winner: #3 Kim Jong Il
#4 Gordon Brown vs. #3 Kim Jong-Il
Again, even though Brown just took over for Tony Blair, he doesn't have the publicity that Jong-Il constantly generates. It may not be good publicity but like they say, no pub is bad pub. I think Brown's buzz has really died down while Jong-Il's never does. The commie's take it.
Winner: Kim Jong-Il
Stalin Region Winner vs. De Gaulle Winner
#3 Queen Elizabeth II vs. #3 Kim Jong-Il
This is a really tough matchup here. But I have to send Il to the finals and here's why: The Queen generates publicity by just being there, while as Jong-Il generates it through action and initiative. Not to say it's a good thing, it just is and he is constantly in the media's spotlight, waiting for another story about him, while a story about the Queen wouldn't be too exciting.
Winner: Kim Jong-Il
Pablo Escobor Winner vs. Nixon Winner
#3 Omar al-Bashir of Sudan vs. #2 King Rama IX of Thailand
Interesting match here, but Bashir's gonna take this one easily. The spotlight is squarely on Sudan for all peacekeeping organizations and the media, whereas King Rama has been getting little exposure at all and was a surprise winner in his region. al-Bashir has been in the spotlight more recently lately and still has the public attention's with teh situation in the Sudan.
Winner: Omar al-Bashir
#3 Omar al-Bashir of Sudan vs. #3 Kim Jong-Il of North Korea
OOOO MY!!!! You all know who;s gotta take this. The man with the biggest Napoleonic complex since the man himself, the man formed a personality cult around himself in his country, has set up nuclear weapons to make everyone very afraid, is a communist, constantly is in the news and seems to know exactly what he's doing. Al-Bashir's situation is different because the press is more around his country, not him. So I have to give the award to....
WINNER and What's "NOW" in the World: KIM JONG-IL of North Korea
WEll, that's it. I hope you enjoyed that a little at least. I thought it was kinda ridiculous actually. OH well, I will return soon with what some call my best blog yet, even though noone has read it and i haven't wrote it yet. Aur revior for now.
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