hey i haven't blogged in a while and i suppose i should. so am i. today, i've piled up an interesting tableau of very bad historical movies that are among the worst of their kind. so without further adieu (2 french words in one paragraph? too excessive) here are the 5 worst movies based on a historical event/situation type thing
Alexander, pearl harbor, Jfk
#5: Caligula
QUICK! Take an extremely entertaining historical figure, hire Penthouse magazine to fund your film, tagline it with the phrase "the most controversial movie ever. only one movie dares to show the perversian of Imperial Rome.', and mix. what do you get? this movie, which instead of showing Caligula's infamous sexual deviance, focuses (rather heavily) on the orgies that took place in Rome. this movie is like a porno with a bad story, except it's "based on history" and set in imperial rome.
#4: Passion of the Christ
Now, Christ is an important part of history, so this movie can be considered as a 'historical' movie. However, Mel gibson's jew hating bigotism largely distorted that overall message in hte movie. Plus, Gibson strays away from the New Testement very often, trying it to be more his vision than the Bible's. He does this so often throughout the film that it's at the point where the movie is bordering on complete fiction. One of the most important stories ever written is sloshed together in the mel gibson version of this vilm.
#3 JFK
oliver stone's "take" on the Kenneedy Assasination is borderline ridiculous. he strays away from facts, time and time again given more of his conspiracy theory than what really happened. All the characters in JFK are portrayed as half of themselves. Stone just wants the public that watch this to believe there was a conspiracy theory around the Kennedy shooting, when in all reality, there probably isn't one. He throws Russians, Cubans, Oswald, homosexuals all into the center of the blame. This distorts history more than any Soviet Film, which is saying alot.
#2: Alexander (2005) by Oliver Stone
Besides the portrayl of Alexander as a blond bi-sexual Irish man, there is a ton wrong with this movie. the film is almost too historical, resembling more of a biography of the man. there is no emotion or feeling in the movie. Also downplaying the Persians, as seem more and more common, there distorted the facts of his battles, focusing on his unknwon sexual life instead of his military life. Plus, the portrayls of his family is off by alot. In general, it's like watching a boring documentary on the man. Alexander was not a good movie, not a good fact checker, and not worth seeing at all.
#1: Pearl Harbor
Wow, besides having absolutely nothing to do with a love story, Pearl Harbor was a huge load of shit. They made one of the most disastorous events on U.S. soil, but we show Ben Affleck and Josh Hartnet's love triangle more than anything else in the movie. Also an hour too long, I'm pretty sure if they took out all the scenes with historical innacuracies, this film would be about 10 minutes long. Just overblown and flashy, with more things wrong with it than a broke, fat hooker with AIDS.
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