Hey there, sorry for the extended absence but I've been busy doing this whole school thing. This will be a short post composed of about 10 reasons, but it's not about the length, it's about what you do with it.
Top 10 Reasons God Doesnt Exist
WHOA! I know what your thinking, Did he just go there? Well, yeah, here me out though.
1. War
Most, if not all, religions preach peace and understanding. But it seems to me that humans are inherently violent in nature. When he get angry, we get violent. Fights, insults, killing to protect land, family, and numerous other things. Yes, God supposedly gave us free will, but why would such a "merciful" God allow such things to happen? (P.S. Are all soldiers in the army going to hell? They are looked at as heroes, by me and our nation, but if they kill someone aren't they going to hell?)
2. Disease
Ahem: Plague, AIDS, Cancer, Strokes. It's not just how, its who. Why does God allow innocent children to die of these horrible diseases? How the hell is that a test of faith, that's bullshit and you know it. Go to a childrens cancer ward and tell me that it's just a test of faith, bullshit to the highest degree, it simply is not fair.
3. Poverty
Another problem I have with this whole God thing is that good people suffer, while dickheads and assholes get rich. You can say that rich people are going to hell but if it's so important to be a good person, shouldn't you be at least rewarded with hapiness on earth? This reason is debatable but I firmly believe it's just more crap.
4. Free Will
If we have free will, how does God know everything that we are going to do? And if God knows everything we are going to do, why would he create people that are going to hell? It would make a lot more sense, that if we all have a certain destiny in this world , to not create rapists, murderers, and gays (if he's so against them). This is the favorite argument for disproving God because there is no response. Either God or Free Will doesnt exist, so pick one.
5. Evolution
OK, this is basically proven. God supposedly created man in his own image, but was his image, than god is an ape. You can see evolution in every species that has every been bored. However, not everything in the bible should be taken word for word. God could be the answer to why we exist but not how we exist. Stil, evolution happened and it poses a serious problem regarding the validity of relgion
6. Time
If God appeared to Moses and other such prophets, then why hasn't he shown himself to anyone before or after him? What's so important about the people of Jesus time to have these spiritual experiences and not people now? These books were written to convert people into the Catholic faith, not handed down by God. Isn't the whole basis of Christianity is to have faith that God exisits. So why does God appear to anyone in history. Just another contradiction in the bible. It could just be possible these "visions" the prophets had were dreams after they went to bed (eye for an eye vs. thou shall not kill)
7. The Universe
It is abundantly clear that we are not the only planet or solar system in the universe. So what's the point of it if God only created man? Plus, if alien life is ever found then no religion can survive. Is space just a waste of space? I dont think so, but religion would have you believe that. The "Big Bang" theory seems to be gaining steam in finding proof.
8. The Gullibility of Man
Back when Catholocism was formed, people were much more gullibe in terms of religion and spiritual experience. Jesus was not the only self-proclaimed prophet in his time. Jesus' immortality was voted on by a council of man? How can that hold water today without debate? People were looking for a reason for their being and certainly religion gives them a reason. The more converts you get, the more attractive your religion looks. Jesus was a popular prophet and started a large following. The Bible could easily be exaggerated to make Jesus look as if he is the son of God.
9. Different Religion
I know this goes back to the whole free will but if God appeared to Jesus, Muahammed, Adam Smith (mormon), then why would he not preach the same doctrine to all. No offense to Mormons, Muslims, Buddhists, Catholics, or Confutionists, but why does God have such a different doctrine in each of these faiths. There are thousands of religions out there, so if you don't choose the right one, you are worshiping idols and going to hell. This means at least 5/6 of the world is going to hell, maybe more if Islam and Christianity is wrong. Why doesn't God guide these people to the right path?
10. Life
All God gave us was life and nothing else. The rest, man has innovated every thing from tools to computers without any "Divine" help. If the big bang is right and it sparked life, he didnt even give us life. PLus, look at the 10 commandments. (No Kill, No Steal, No Covet, No Covet Wife, Sabbath, Honor Mom and Dad, No Idol Worship, Name in Vain, No other gods) These commandments can easily be interpreted as an excuse to form a peaceful society created by man. What if your Dad's a rapist? Should you honor him? What if your working to save lives on the Sabbath?, What if you need to Steal to survive, What if someone's about to kill your father? Should you honor him by killing the guy or let him die to not kill?
There are so many contradictions in these laws it makes my head spin.
So this is what happens when you attend Catholic school for 13 years in a row. Is it so hard to believe that rather than God being real, it is the human spirit that drives us to do good. Atheists do good all the time and they don't believe in anything. Why does everyone need a reason to do good, because thats just what religion is. People do good to get a reward in heaven. Well, ins;t that selfish in itself? We should do good not to be rewarded, but to make the world a better place when we are gone. So what if you dont go to heaven and nothing happens when you die? Because when you die, you know you've helped the world become a better place, there can be no greater reward than that, to help your fellow man.
I don't expect everyone to believe or listen to what I'm writing here. I just hope you can read it objectively, as I know religion is a sore subject for anyone. You can say this is just because I've lost faith in religion because of current events, but I'd like to believe that I've gained perspective through certain events in MY life. And for those who are angry with this column, I'm going to hell if God does exists, so there you go.
Au Revoir, Dieu est avec vous, S'il est en haut là-bas (French, translate it on your own)
Greetings! Saw your post in Google ...
ReplyDelete>"War...why would such a "merciful" God allow such things to happen?"
Why would God not allow it? War, fights, insults, and killing are sins and the temporal result of previous sins. God didn't create sin. Man created sin. If we created sin, why would we not be allowed to live with our creation and its effects?
>"2. Disease... Why does God allow innocent children to die of these horrible diseases?"
Again, why would God not allow it? Disease is the temporal result of original sin. Read Genesis. There was no death nor disease in Eden. Disease was unknown among man until after willful disobediance of God. Just because you feel something isn't fair doesn't make it so. If God were to give us what we truely deserved, most of us would suffer more than the children.
>"3. Poverty... good people suffer, while d... get rich." Like the Prodigal Son, who was unable to control self gratification, you want your inheritance now. That's the kind of argument my girls made when they were toddlers. I believe God incarnate said something regarding rich, a camel, and the eye of a needle.
>"4. Free Will...why would he create people that are going to hell? What people did God create that are going to hell? God created only two people and they were created immaculate, in paradise with God, and NOT bound for hell. God allows us to create rapists and murderers. Those children weren't born with innate knowledge and love for rape or murder. That's a learned behavior. Again, the temporal effects of sin. (BTW, You have a false dichotomy at the end as both God and Free Will can and do both coexist.)
>"5. Evolution ... evolution happened and it poses a serious problem regarding the validity of relgion."
Perhaps to non-Catholic religions, but not to the Catholic faith. All truth is from and of God. If evolution is true, then it is of God. God also created the universe and all in it. That's truth. Truth can never contradict truth, so there is not any contradiction between the truth of evolution and the truth of creation. Catholics find no contradiction in God creating all life and using the process of evolution to accomplish His creation. Wonderful thing, truth.
>"6. Time ... If God appeared to Moses and other such prophets, then why hasn't he shown himself to anyone before or after him?"
God did. According to my Bible, God walked with Adam and Eve and talked with Noah long before Moses. Also, after Moses and the prophets, God dwelt among us for a period of about 33 years and hundreds if not thousands got to meet and hear Him. Surely someone with 13 years in catholic school is also aware of the many visions of Christ that God has granted numerous saints.
"7. The Universe ... what's the point of it if God only created man? Plus, if alien life is ever found then no religion can survive. Is space just a waste of space?"
Who says God created only man? That's not in my Bible. If extraterrestrial life exists, then that is truth. All truth is from God. All the more reason to marvel and worship God. Why would no religion survive simply because ET is alive and well in the third solar system from the center of the galaxy? You made the statement, defend it.
>"8. The Gullibility of Man..."
Points for novelty, but a very weak arguement nonetheless. Jesus was not a prophet. His crucifixion and resurrection was widely witnessed, as was His ascension. As to Jesus divinity, I would refer you to the Lewis Trilemma: God, Liar, or Madman. Jesus represented Himself to be God and knew if He was or wasn't God. Let's take your not God branch... Did Jesus know he was not God (liar) or did Jesus not know he was not God (madman)? What does the historic evidence show? Most people find no support for either position. It's not gullability when its founded in logic and historial evidence.
>"9. Different Religion ... if God appeared to Jesus, Muahammed, Adam Smith (mormon), then why would he not preach the same doctrine to all. ... Why doesn't God guide these people to the right path?
First, let's get the stories right. God did not appear to Jesus, Jesus was God incarnate. God did not appear to Muahammed, the angel Gabriel is alleged to have appeared. While Joseph Smith claims an appearance of Jesus, the discovery and translation of the book of Mormon was under an angel.
Second, God has been very consistent in His doctrine for us. Again, all truth is from and of God and truth cannot contradict truth. If there's a contradiction among various faiths, then there is something which is either not true (not of God) or someone has erred regarding the truth.
Who or what says that God is NOT guiding all these folks to Him down multiple right paths? When I go to work I have a large variety of paths that all lead to my employer. Is only one path right or is one path best in terms of time, resources, aesthetics, etc.? If I choose a path poorly and lose my job asa result, is that my employers fault or my own? Its that sin and temporal effects of sin thing.
>"10. Life ... All God gave us was life and nothing else."
That would be an admission that God does exist and that God did create human life. Interesting statement from an athiest.
"If the big bang is right and it sparked life, he didnt even give us life."
You have a flaw in your logic here. Who sparked the bang that sparked life? Its that nagging problem of infinite regression.
"What if your Dad's a rapist? Should you honor him?"
Yes. You visit him in jail and keep the commandments of God.
"What if your working to save lives on the Sabbath?"
According to catholic doctrine, not a problem. Refer to Jesus' discourse on the Sabbath and for whomand why it was created.
"What if you need to Steal to survive"
What of it? Its allowed under Islam and its forgiveable under Christianity. Both religions teach that we are not to create conditions that induce theft of food to occur.
>"What if someone's about to kill your father? Should you honor him by killing the guy or let him die to not kill?"
There are non-lethal options as well.
"There are so many contradictions in these laws it makes my head spin. "
Again, all truth is from God and truth cannot contradict truth. If there's a contradiction then something is either not true (your claim) or someone has erred (my claim).
In review, none of your 10 reasons are very compelling arguements against the existence of God.
On the other hand, why, in the 7,000 years of known civilization, have we not ever discovered a single isolated society that was completely 100% athiestic? Not even once? Why has there always been some belief in God?
God bless...
- Timothy
Timothy, thank you for reading the blog and posting your views.
ReplyDeleteFirst off let me say, I'm not an atheist. I'm just exploring different views in regard to my religion.
To start, sin is a product of man, but God created man. If God is all powerful and all-knowing, than he must have known that his creation (man) would eventually succumb to temptation. Doesn't this sort of mean God created sin in his own way? And who's to say the Bible is actually literal in the creation story. Again, you can't take the Bible word for word.
In regards to disease, again who is to say there even was a Garden of Eden? And if there was, than why is man doomed to suffer through disease just because of one sin. I'm just saying that disease occurs naturally and throughout nature, through our genetics, surroundings, and actions. There is nothing divine about disease, it just happens. Don't diminish the suffering cancer patients, murder victims, and rape victims that have led a good and devoted life to God, as there is no logical reason to that.
In regards to poverty, I can see your point, as I stated mine was debatable. Still, does this mean every rich person is going to hell, as the camel, rich, and eye of the needle story imply?
Why does God allow us to create rapists and murderers? Why are people born with mental handicaps, how do they get into heaven? Some can't even think logically or use their brains at the same level most can. I suppose God and free will can exist together but my point is that if God already knows the path you are going to take, why does he still allow them to do these horrible things? If God knows what you are going to do before you do it, than in a way you really don't have a choice because in God's eyes it already happened.
As I said regarding evolution, God could be the answer to how and not why. The Bible however says that God created man in his own image and that man was Adam. I don't think the Bible can be taken word for word as I stated above, but this is most certainly a contradiction in regards to creation.
I have read the Bible many times, thank you and know of all the times God has shown himself to different people. I do see your point in this regard but I also think that these visions of God could have been lies told by man to win converts and such. Also, the world has not seen God since the Bible was finished and if we have, why hasnt he made himself known? Certainly the world is in need of guidance even moreso today than it was in the times of Jesus.
I believe religion would be shaken if other intelligent life because planets that are in other solar systems and galaxies would have to have been created before man because many of the planets have been around longer than the dawn of man.
No dount Jesus' death was witnessed but his ascenion could have been the product of gullibility. Jesus did have enemies, perhaps they moved the body and when the body wasn't there, the apostles could have jumped to a conclusion that wanted to believe. Also, why is it that the 4 major gospels all differ in their telling of the same stories?
I also believe there is more than one right path. However, my problem with this is that these different "paths" have caused so much violence and tension. Why do Jews teach Jesus was just a prophet? Is that just another one of God's paths or are they completely wrong? The differences that these religions preach do not lead to the same place. Is it not possible that religion was created by man for money, power, greed, or to maintain a peaceful society?
I was saying IF God gave us life, then that is all he gave us. True, the big bang could have been the work of God, you got me there. However, you keep mentioning that "truth is truth and God is truth".
Truth: God destroyed Sodom and Gomorroh
Truth: Thus, God is a murderer
Truth: One of the 10 commandments is thou shalt not kill
Truth: Jesus' divinity was voted on by the Council of Nicea, who are fallible men.
Man has always wanted to believe that there is something waiting for them when they die. It helps us cope with death and gives our lives greater meaning. Why would anyone not want to go to a utopian kingdom when they die?
I, more than anything, want God to exist and hope that death is not the end of our lives, but rather the start. I'm just pointing out that it very well may be that God doesn't exist at all. There is evidence for both sides and winning this debate is futile.
Again thanks for reading and pass it on to others if you can.
Greetings! Came by to follow up...
ReplyDelete>"Doesn't this sort of mean God created sin in his own way?"
>"I'm just saying that disease occurs naturally and throughout nature, through our genetics, surroundings, and actions. There is nothing divine about disease, it just happens. "
No denying that disease occurs. That's truth. Now, how did disease start? What is the scientific explanation for the start of disease? Which disease was first?
>" does this mean every rich person is going to hell"
You used an absolute (every), so the answer is no. Definitely not every. But, it will harder for the rich than the poor.
>" people born with mental handicaps, how do they get into heaven? Some can't even think logically or use their brains at the same level most can"
Easier for them than for you and I. They lack the mental capacity to commit mortal sin. Other than original sin which is easily removed via baptism, they are almost assured of heaven. They also might be "captive souls."
>"... this is most certainly a contradiction in regards to creation."
While there may be contradiction for non-Catholic creationists, there is no conflict between the scriptures and evolution for most Catholics.
>"...I believe religion would be shaken if other intelligent life"
I agree that many people's personal religious beliefs would be shaken, but not religion as a whiole. Again, there is nothing in the existence of extraterrestrial life that is in opposition to the Catholic faith.
>"No dount Jesus' death was witnessed but his ascenion could have been the product of gullibility. Jesus did have enemies, perhaps they moved the body and when the body wasn't there"
While you claimed extensive time in Catholic school, you appear to have confused the resurrection with the ascension. His ascension was after Pentacost when he rose (ascended) into the heavens in a very open and public manner.
The resurrection (returning to life) was the third day after his death. While a body could be moved, there is the problem of the multiple sitings in multiple places by many people between the resurrection and the ascension.
>"Why do Jews teach Jesus was just a prophet? Is that just another one of God's paths or are they completely wrong?"
Those Jews who recognize Jesus solely as a prophet would be in error. There are large numbers of Hebrew Catholics who do recognize Jesus' divinity.
Most Muslims also err in that regard. Interestingly, many Muslims are recently experiencing visions of Christ, with large numbers of conversions to Christianity as the result.
>"Truth: God destroyed Sodom and Gomorroh
Truth: Thus, God is a murderer
Truth: One of the 10 commandments is thou shalt not kill"
Nice try, but no cigar.
First, you need to swap your second and third statements. Your thus staement should be last.
Second, God is not a murderer by virtue of the definition of murder (man killing man) and the concept of dominion. The comandment is to not murder. Murder is wrong, and the commandment exists, because man does not have dominion over man. God gave man dominon over plants and animals which man is free to kill and consume. Only God has dominion over man and only God may take the life of man. As you know, dominion is explained in Genesis 1.
>" Jesus' divinity was voted on by the Council of Nicea, who are fallible men."
Its always nice to hear that error-prone men of old recognized Jesus was God. Now, if we can get more modern men to do the same...
" it very well may be that God doesn't exist at all. There is evidence for both sides"
Actually, there is no evidence that God doesn't exist. Its an impossibility just by the nature of the problem. One can't prove a negative, any negative. Its one of those universal axcioms of logic.
As you attended Catholic schools, its time that you returned to the Catholic faith. God very much exists and is physically present in a form that humans can grasp in the form of the Eucharist. Anytime you wish to discern if God exists, you need only visit your local Catholic Church. We'll keep a red candle lit for you.
God bless...
- Timothy