Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Fake Interview With......

I have Rex Grossman as my guest this time and i am very excited to see how this interview turns out.
MD: Me SRG= Sexy Rexy Grossman

MD: Rex, what an honor to sit down with the man whos more unpredictable than a roll of the dice.

SRG: I thrive on unpredictability. The women love it. The ball may get intercepted but when I whip it in the air, that's a turn for even a loser like yourself.

MD: Hey, let's not get too personal. What do you do in your spare time off football?

SRG: Well, usually I go and review film for about 10 minutes after practice. Than me and Brad Maynard see who can "get done the quickest" into a jar. Loser buys dinner.

MD: I'm sorry done quickest in the jar? Are you implying masturbation? And if you are, who usually wins.

SRG: Yes, Merlock, I did

MD: You mean Sherlock?

SRG: No you fucking idiot the Rex meant MERLOCK. You don't think they teached me this kinda shit at Florida? Anyway, The Rex always wins vs Maynard. One time though, I threw the ball with my free hand while we were going and it just turned him on so much that, he won. That's the only time ever. The Rex is a fucking jackhammer and he always goes hard and fast.

MD: Jesus Fucking Christ. To switch topics, what is your gameplan for the upcoming game against New Orleans?

SRG: Well, first their gonna get a little dose of TJ and CB in their faces. Then the Rex is gonna throw a 85 yars touchdown pass to Berrian, with all 85 years being in the air. The Saints will need a change of pants after that, as will the cheerleaders, coaches, and the straight people in the crowd. I will also be playing Defense and when i intercept it I plan on whipping it as hard as I can into Drew Brees chest, collapsing both his lungs, and ending his career. When the game is done, I'll choke his mom while giving it to her from behind. She will orgasm more than a white woman having sex with a 7 foot tall black man. She won't walk for two weeks.

MD: Well, sir, you certainly do have a........creative mind. Are you worried about being benched?

SRG: Benched? The only people who will be benched this Sunday are the New Orleans cheerleaders after halftime. The may cheer for the Saints, but the Rex will turn them into sinners really fast.

MD: Do you think about anything but sex?

SRG: When your this good, you don't have to. The girls want the long ball and I give it to them smooth and hard. It may hurt but there is nooone better than the Rex. Nothing

MD: Well, Rex, you certainly are an interesting character. I hope to never interview you again and good luck in the game Sunday.

SRG: It's not about luck, it's first to the Rexy Sexy longball wins. But really, everyone wins with the Rex.

MD: Jesus. Alright, stayed tuned for my next guest, Condoleeza Rice. Just try and lay off the jungle fever until then.

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