NEW POST ALERT!! I have decided that I need to update this if I want people to keep reading so here I go. I'll focus on the who, what, and why of the 2008 Presidential Election.
First, who's running?
For the Democrats we have, in this order of most likely to be nominated:
Hilary Rodham Clinton, Senator of NY
Now bear with me. I will not vote for this woman. I don't like her. However, that doesn't change the fact that she is a woman and half the country are women. She is liberal, yet moderate. She has had exposure in one of the major US states, New York, for a numerous amount of years. Like it or not, right now she's got the ticket.
Barack Obama, Senator of Illinois
OBAMA. The only thing keeping him from being #1 right now is his lack of experience. I think and expect the Obama hype to rise and it will be too much for the Democrats to ignore. His color is obviously an issue but his popularity is so high right now he just must pull it off. I think he would steal most the moderates away from the GOP.
Tom Vilsack, Govenor of Iowa
Right now he has campaigned the hardest and has done a nice job garnering some of the nations attention. However, it's Iowa and Iowa sucks. Plus, I don't think the buzz will last will Vilsack unless something dramatic changes.
Democrates predicted nominee: Barack Obama
Republican Candidates
John McCain, Sen of Arizona
McCain is a Vietnam vet who is just itching for the chance to run. He is one of the bigger names and more outspoken Republicans, which is pretty much their only chance in 08. Recognizable to most and much experience puts him atop the Republican list.
Rudy Guliani, Former Mayor of NY
Well, if the GOP wants to win New York, Rudy's the guy. Plus he had a ton of positive support after 9/11 accross the nation. McCain may win the nom, but Rudy's the GOP's best chance to win.
Condolezza Rice, Sec. of State
The most powerful woman in political history. I dont know if she can pull it off with the Iraq problem and her assosication with Bush. However, I just think the GOP needs to do something bold for a win, and pushing a the first black and first woman president all in one would be very bold indeed.
GOP nominee: John McCain
Barack Obama vs John McCain President 2008
Who wins this? Well, Obama does. He can steal the moderate vote with his popularity and bashing the GOP's handling of Iraq. That's it. The color of his skin and lack of experience will not matter once the U.S. people realize that Republicans have had their 8 year turn and to try it on the other side.
(For the love of God, I can only hope this is true.)
OBAMA's vice president?
Well, Oprah's a good choice but I think he'll be more political in his pick. I have no clue whatsoever.
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